1038 matching packages found. Page 1 of 11.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra xen-docs 4.14.1-1 Xen hypervisor documentation and man pages 2024-04-23
any Extra foomatic-db 1:20200820-2 Foomatic - The collected knowledge about printers, drivers, and driver options in XML files, used by foomatic-db-engine to generate PPD files. 2024-04-12
any Extra utf8cpp 3.2.3-1 UTF-8 with C++ in a Portable Way 2024-04-12
any Extra ttf-liberation 2.1.4-2 A font family which aims at metric compatibility with Arial, Times New Roman, and Courier New 2024-04-12
any Extra gnucash-docs 5.5-1 Documentation for GnuCash 2024-04-12
any Extra foomatic-db-ppds 1:20200820-2 Foomatic - PPDs from printer manufacturers 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-hu-HU Spell checking support for Hungarian (Hungary) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-nb-NO Spell checking support for Norwegian (Bokml) (Norway) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-et-EE Spell checking support for Estonian (Estonia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-pt-BR Spell checking support for Portuguese (Brazil) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-ro Spell checking support for Romanian 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-da-DK Spell checking support for Danish (Denmark) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-ar Spell checking support for Arabic 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-hr-HR Spell checking support for Croatian (Croatia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-CA Spell checking support for English (Canada) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-is Spell checking support for Icelandic 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-nl-NL Spell checking support for Dutch (Netherlands) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-cs-CZ Spell checking support for Czech (Czech Republic) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-it-IT Spell checking support for Italian (Italy) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-tr-TR Spell checking support for Turkish (Turkey) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-de-CH Spell checking support for German (Switzerland) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-pl-PL Spell checking support for Polish (Poland) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sv-SE Spell checking support for Swedish (Sweden) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sv-FI Spell checking support for Swedish (Finland) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sk-SK Spell checking support for Slovak (Slovakia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-US Spell checking support for English (United States) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-te-IN Spell checking support for Telugu (India) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sq-AL Spell checking support for Albanian (Albania) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-lt-LT Spell checking support for Lithuanian (Lithuania) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-ru-RU Spell checking support for Russian (Russia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-de-AT Spell checking support for German (Austria) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-lv-LV Spell checking support for Latvian (Latvia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-af-ZA Spell checking support for Afrikaans (South Africa) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-ZA Spell checking support for English (South Africa) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-gl-ES Spell checking support for Galician (Spain) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-fr Spell checking support for French 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-uk-UA Spell checking support for Ukrainian (Ukraine) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-es Spell checking support for Spanish 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sr Spell checking support for Serbian 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-id Spell checking support for Indonesian 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-th-TH Spell checking support for Thai (Thailand) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-nn-NO Spell checking support for Norwegian (Nynorsk) (Norway) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-AU Spell checking support for English (Australia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-en-GB Spell checking support for English (United Kingdom) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-sl-SI Spell checking support for Slovenian (Slovenia) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-pt-PT Spell checking support for Portuguese (Portugal) 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-ca Spell checking support for Catalan 2024-04-12
any Extra hunspell-de-DE Spell checking support for German (Germany) 2024-04-12
any Extra freedoom 0.13.0-1 Free and libre game based on the Doom engine 2024-03-12
any Extra freedm 0.13.0-1 Free and libre game based on the Doom engine 2024-03-12
any Extra clamtk 6.13-2 Easy to use, light-weight, on-demand virus scanner as frontend for ClamAV 2024-03-12
any Extra tkdiff 5.6-1 A graphical, free and libre frontend to the diff program 2024-03-12
any Extra docbook-xml 4.5-3 A widely used XML scheme for writing documentation and help 2024-03-11
any Extra fuglu 1.1.0-4 A mail content scanner for Postfix written in Python 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-test-nowarnings 1.04-5 Make sure you didn't emit any warnings while testing 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-module-build 0.4231-2 Build and install Perl modules 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-inc-latest 0.500-2 Use modules bundled in inc/ if they are newer than installed ones 2024-03-11
any Extra perl-test-deep 1.130-2 Extremely flexible deep comparison 2024-03-11
any Extra docbook-xsl 1.79.2-4 XML stylesheets for Docbook-xml transformations 2024-03-11
any Extra endless-sky-high-dpi 0.9.14-2 High DPI sprites for Endless Sky 2024-02-02
any Extra radisnoir-font 0.9b-2 Radis Noir is a sans serif typeface based on a regular circle and inspired by the Bauhaus movement and especially the typography of Herbert Bayer 2024-02-01
any Extra towncrier 21.3.0-2 Utility to produce useful, summarised news files for your project 2024-02-01
any Extra blackbox-themes 0.6-2 Themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager 2024-02-01
any Extra soundbraid 20231219-1 A simple mixer for sndio 2024-02-01
any Extra python-incremental 21.3.0-2 A small library that versions your Python projects 2024-02-01
any Extra jwmkit 20231223-1 Simplify JWM (Joe's Window Manager) 2024-02-01
any Extra openttd-opengfx 7.1-2 A free and libre graphics set for OpenTTD 2024-02-01
any Extra python-virtualenv 20.7.1-4 Virtual Python Environment builder 2024-02-01
any Extra openttd-openmsx 0.4.2-1 A free and libre music set for OpenTTD 2024-02-01
any Extra openttd-opensfx 1.0.3-1 A free and libre sound set for OpenTTD 2024-02-01
any Extra hyperbola-install-scripts 18-1 Scripts to aid in installing the system 2024-01-28
any Extra tesseract-data-isl 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (isl) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-slk_frak 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (slk_frak) 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-font-sun-misc 1.0.3-3 Xenocara sun-misc font 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-srp_latn 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (srp_latn) 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-util-macros 1.19.2-6 Xenocara Autotools macros 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-msa 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (msa) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-uig 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (uig) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-kat 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (kat) 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-font-adobe-75dpi 1.0.3-3 Xenocara adobe-75dpi font 2024-01-15
any Extra vicious 2.5.0-1 Widgets for the Awesome window manager 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-font-isas-misc 1.0.3-3 Xenocara isas-misc font 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-mon 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mon) 2024-01-15
any Extra yelp-xsl 3.38.3-2 Document transformations from Yelp 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-ind 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ind) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-tat 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tat) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-slv 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (slv) 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-font-bitstream-type1 1.0.3-3 Xenocara bitstream-type1 font 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-san 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (san) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-pus 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (pus) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-srp 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (srp) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-sin 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (sin) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-tur 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tur) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-ron 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ron) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-syr 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (syr) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-osd 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (osd) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-mal 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mal) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-tir 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tir) 2024-01-15
any Extra tor-hardened-preferences 0.1-3 Creates clean chroot for TOR to run in, and cleans left over files when done running. 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-font-dec-misc 1.0.3-3 Xenocara dec-misc font 2024-01-15

1038 matching packages found. Page 1 of 11.

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