2103 matching packages found. Page 4 of 22.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra tesseract-data-jav 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (jav) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-dan 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (dan) 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-exifread 2.3.2-1 Tauthon library to extract EXIF data from tiff and jpeg files 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-est 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (est) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-fin 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (fin) 2024-01-15
x86_64 Core efibootmgr 17-3 User-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager 2021-09-06
any Extra tauthon-zope-deprecation 4.4.0-1 Zope Deprecation Infrastructure for Tauthon 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-equ 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (equ) 2024-01-15
x86_64 Core mlocate 0.26-7 Merging locate/updatedb implementation 2020-12-03
i686 Core logrotate 3.17.0-1 Rotates system logs automatically 2020-12-03
x86_64 Core logrotate 3.17.0-1 Rotates system logs automatically 2020-12-03
any Extra perl-mail-message 3.010-1 container for MIME-encoded message information 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-swa 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (swa) 2024-01-15
i686 Extra autogen 5.18.16-1 A tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text 2020-12-03
any Extra xdg-utils 1.1.3-1 Command line tools that assist applications with a variety of desktop integration tasks 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra autogen 5.18.16-1 A tool designed to simplify the creation and maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text 2020-12-03
any Extra tesseract-data-lat 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (lat) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-rus 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (rus) 2024-01-15
any Extra ldoc 1.4.6-1 LuaDoc-compatible documentation generation system 2022-09-17
any Extra perl-text-csv 2.00-1 Comma-separated values manipulator 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-fil 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (fil) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-http-date 6.05-1 Date conversion routines 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-bod 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (bod) 2024-01-15
i686 Core crda 4.14+git20191112.9856751-2 Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks 2021-07-22
any Extra python-platformdirs 2.2.0-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir" 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-kor_vert 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (kor_vert) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-data-optlist 0.110-1 Parse and validate simple name/value option pairs 2022-09-19
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-ca-valencia 7.0.4-1 Catalan (Valencia) language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
any Extra tesseract-data-mlt 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mlt) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-parse-yapp 1.21-1 Perl/CPAN Module Parse::Yapp : Generates OO LALR parser modules 2022-09-20
any Extra supervisor 4.2.4-2 A system for controlling process state under UNIX 2024-01-15
x86_64 Core crda 4.14+git20191112.9856751-2 Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks 2021-07-22
any Extra tesseract-data-ori 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ori) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-image-exiftool 12.29-1 Reader and rewriter of EXIF informations that supports raw files 2022-09-19
any Extra gcompris-data-words 20211201-1 Datafiles for the free educational software suite GCompris (words) 2021-12-07
any Extra xkeyboard-config 2.29-2 X keyboard configuration files 2024-01-15
any Extra xenocara-docs 1.7.1-3 Xenocara documentations 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-kan 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (kan) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-time-modules 2013.0912-1 Perl time related modules 2022-09-20
any Extra python-filelock 3.0.12-1 A platform independent file lock 2022-09-20
any Extra tor-hardened-preferences 0.1-3 Creates clean chroot for TOR to run in, and cleans left over files when done running. 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-crypt-libressl-guess 0.14-1 Guess LibreSSL include path 2022-09-19
any Extra clamav-db 28062023-1 Signatures for ClamAV 2023-06-28
any Extra python-attrs 20.3.0-1 Attributes without boilerplate. 2022-09-20
i686 Extra freetype2-docs 2.10.2-1 Freetype documentation 2020-12-08
i686 Extra freetype2 2.10.2-1 Font rasterization library 2020-12-08
x86_64 Extra freetype2-docs 2.10.2-1 Freetype documentation 2020-12-08
x86_64 Extra freetype2 2.10.2-1 Font rasterization library 2020-12-08
any Extra tesseract-data-tir 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tir) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-mal 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mal) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-osd 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (osd) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-syr 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (syr) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-ron 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ron) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-deu_frak 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (deu_frak) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-data-dump 1.23-1 Pretty printing of data structures 2022-09-19
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-ss 7.0.4-1 Swati language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
any Extra tesseract-data-tur 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tur) 2024-01-15
any Extra ruby-ronn-ng 0.9.1-2 Manual page formatter that generates man pages from markdown 2024-01-15
any Extra python-appdirs 1.4.4-1 A small Python module for determining appropriate platform-specific dirs, e.g. a "user data dir". 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-eng 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (eng) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-sin 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (sin) 2024-01-15
any Extra python-itsdangerous 1.1.0-1 Various helpers to pass trusted data to untrusted environments 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-bul 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (bul) 2024-01-15
any Extra iceweasel-uxp-l10n-mr 52.9.20210602-1 Marathi language pack for Iceweasel-UXP. 2022-09-17
any Extra tesseract-data-srp 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (srp) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-pus 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (pus) 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-configparser 4.0.2-3 Free software library brings the updated configparser from Python to Tauthon. 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-mime-charset 1.012.2-1 Charset Information for MIME 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-san 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (san) 2024-01-15
any Extra lua-penlight 1.3.2-1 Lua libraries focusing on input data handling 2022-09-19
any Extra tauthon-zipp 1:1.1.1-1 Pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files 2024-01-15
any Extra automake-1.11 1.11.6-1 A GNU tool for automatically creating Makefiles 2022-09-16
any Extra python-paramiko 2.7.2-1 Python module that implements the SSH2 protocol 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-slv 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (slv) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-tat 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tat) 2024-01-15
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-hr 7.0.4-1 Croatian language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
any Extra python-docopt 0.6.2-1 Pythonic argument parser, that will make you smile 2022-09-20
any Extra mailgraph 1.14-1 A very simple, free and libre mail statistics RRDtool frontend for Postfix and Sendmail 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-ara 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ara) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-archive-cpio 0.10-1 Module for manipulations of cpio archives 2022-09-19
any Extra tauthon-more-itertools 4.2.0-1 More routines for operating on iterables for Tauthon, beyond itertools 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-mock 4.0.2-0 Mocking and Patching Library for Testing 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-ind 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (ind) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-exporter-tiny 1.002002-1 An exporter with the features of Sub::Exporter but only core dependencies 2022-09-19
any Extra perl-datetime-locale 1.31-1 Localization support for DateTime.pm 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-grc 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (grc) 2024-01-15
i686 Extra glslang 8.13.3743-2 OpenGL and OpenGL ES shader front end and validator 2023-11-23
i686 Extra hddtemp 0.3.beta15.53-1 Gives you the temperature of your hard drive by reading S.M.A.R.T. information 2021-08-06
any Extra perl-try-tiny 0.30-1 Minimal try/catch with proper localization of $@ 2022-09-20
any Extra poppler-data 0.4.10-1 Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library 2022-09-20
any Extra yelp-xsl 3.38.3-2 Document transformations from Yelp 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-mail-spf-query 1.999.1-1 Perl module that provides SPF support 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-mon 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mon) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-afr 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (afr) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-html-tagset 3.20-5 Data tables useful in parsing HTML 2022-09-19
any Extra perl-crypt-passwdmd5 1.41-1 Provides a crypt()-compatible interface to new MD5-based crypt() 2022-09-19
any Extra perl-mailtools 2.21-1 Various email related modules 2022-09-19
any Extra python-authres 1.2.0-1 Python Authentication-Results headers generation and parsing 2022-09-20
any Extra perl-io-html 1.001-2 Open an HTML file with automatic charset detection 2022-09-19
any Extra perl-mail-spf 2.9.0-1 Perl module that provides SPF support 2022-09-19

2103 matching packages found. Page 4 of 22.

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