2103 matching packages found. Page 3 of 22.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Core groff-headless 1.22.4-2 GNU troff text-formatting system 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core cronie 1.5.5-4 Daemon that runs specified programs at scheduled times and related tools 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core crda 4.14+git20191112.9856751-2 Central Regulatory Domain Agent for wireless networks 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core gdbm 1.18.1-3 GNU database library 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core bzip2 1.0.8-2 A high-quality data compression program 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core elfutils 0.180-2 Utilities to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core libelf 0.180-2 Libraries to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core findutils 4.7.0-2 GNU utilities to locate files 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core diffutils 3.7-2 Utility programs used for creating patch files 2021-07-22
i686 Core krb5 1.17-3 The Kerberos network authentication system 2021-07-23
i686 Core libusb 1.0.23-3 Library that provides generic access to USB devices 2021-07-23
x86_64 Core libusb 1.0.23-3 Library that provides generic access to USB devices 2021-07-23
x86_64 Core krb5 1.17-3 The Kerberos network authentication system 2021-07-23
x86_64 Core ncurses 6.2-3 System V Release 4.0 curses emulation library 2021-07-23
any Extra geoip-database 20210714-0 GeoIP legacy country database (based on GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind) 2021-07-24
any Extra geoip-database-extra 20210714-0 GeoIP legacy city/ASN databases (based on GeoLite2 data created by MaxMind) 2021-07-24
i686 Extra kcrash 5.78.0-1 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps 2021-07-25
i686 Extra ki18n 5.78.0-1 Advanced internationalization framework 2021-07-25
any Extra fltk-docs 1.3.5-1 Graphical user interface toolkit for X (documentation) 2021-07-25
any Extra etl 1.4.0-1 VoriaETL: C++ STL complementory multiplatform template library 2021-07-30
i686 Extra kseexpr An embeddable expression evaluation engine (Krita fork) 2021-07-30
i686 Extra kdoctools 5.78.0-1 Documentation generation from docbook 2021-07-30
i686 Extra fig2dev 3.2.8-1 Format conversion utility that can be used with xfig 2021-07-30
i686 Extra kimageformats 5.78.0-1 Image format plugins for Qt 2021-07-30
i686 Extra kconfig 5.78.0-2 KF5 Configuration system 2021-07-30
x86_64 Extra fig2dev 3.2.8-1 Format conversion utility that can be used with xfig 2021-07-30
any Extra dex 0.9.0-1 Program to generate and execute DesktopEntry files of type Application 2021-08-06
any Extra devede 4.15.0-1 Program to create VideoDVDs and CDs 2021-08-06
i686 Extra hddtemp 0.3.beta15.53-1 Gives you the temperature of your hard drive by reading S.M.A.R.T. information 2021-08-06
x86_64 Extra hddtemp 0.3.beta15.53-1 Gives you the temperature of your hard drive by reading S.M.A.R.T. information 2021-08-06
i686 Extra gvim 8.2.2434-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the Vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) 2021-08-08
x86_64 Extra gvim 8.2.2434-1 Vi Improved, a highly configurable, improved version of the Vi text editor (with advanced features, such as a GUI) 2021-08-08
i686 Extra keepassx 2.0.3-3 Cross Platform Password Manager 2021-08-10
i686 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
i686 Extra libdvbpsi 1:1.3.3-1 Library designed for decoding and generation of MPEG TS and DVB PSI tables 2021-08-12
x86_64 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
i686 Extra diffstat 1.64-1 Display a histogram of diff changes 2021-08-21
x86_64 Extra diffstat 1.64-1 Display a histogram of diff changes 2021-08-21
i686 Extra expac 10-1 pacman database extraction utility 2021-08-23
x86_64 Extra expac 10-1 pacman database extraction utility 2021-08-23
i686 Extra libbpf 0.3-1 Library for loading eBPF programs and reading and manipulating eBPF objects from user-space 2021-09-04
i686 Core efibootmgr 17-3 User-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager 2021-09-06
x86_64 Core efibootmgr 17-3 User-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager 2021-09-06
any Extra alsa-topology-conf ALSA topology configuration files 2021-09-10
any Extra alsa-ucm-conf ALSA Use Case Manager configuration (and topologies) 2021-09-10
i686 Extra assimp 5.0.1-1 Library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner 2021-09-20
i686 Extra astyle 3.1-1 A free, fast and small automatic formatter for source code. 2021-09-20
i686 Extra box2d 2.4.1-1 2D rigid body simulation library for games 2021-09-20
x86_64 Extra assimp 5.0.1-1 Library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner 2021-09-20
x86_64 Extra box2d 2.4.1-1 2D rigid body simulation library for games 2021-09-20
x86_64 Extra astyle 3.1-1 A free, fast and small automatic formatter for source code. 2021-09-20
i686 Extra compface 1.5.2-1 Utils & libs to convert from/to X-Face format. 2021-10-09
x86_64 Extra compface 1.5.2-1 Utils & libs to convert from/to X-Face format. 2021-10-09
i686 Core libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.8-1 Library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking state table 2021-10-13
i686 Core libnfnetlink 1.0.1-1 Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication 2021-10-13
x86_64 Core libnfnetlink 1.0.1-1 Low-level library for netfilter related kernel/userspace communication 2021-10-13
x86_64 Core libnetfilter_conntrack 1.0.8-1 Library providing an API to the in-kernel connection tracking state table 2021-10-13
i686 Extra fmt 7.1.3-1 free formatting library for C++ 2021-10-16
i686 Extra libdom 0.4.1-1 Implementation of the W3C DOM 2021-10-16
i686 Extra libabw 0.1.3-1 a library that parses the file format of AbiWord documents 2021-10-16
i686 Extra libepubgen 0.1.1-1 an EPUB generator for librevenge 2021-10-16
i686 Extra libe-book 0.1.3-1 library for import of reflowable e-book formats 2021-10-16
x86_64 Extra fmt 7.1.3-1 free formatting library for C++ 2021-10-16
any Extra docx2txt 1.4-1 Recovers text from DOCX files, with good formatting. 2021-10-23
i686 Extra goxel 0.10.6-1 3D program that lets you create voxel volumes 2021-10-23
i686 Extra dzen2 0.9.5~svn271-1 General purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X11 2021-10-23
x86_64 Extra goxel 0.10.6-1 3D program that lets you create voxel volumes 2021-10-23
x86_64 Extra dzen2 0.9.5~svn271-1 General purpose messaging, notification and menuing program for X11 2021-10-23
i686 Core dash A POSIX compliant shell that aims to be as small as possible 2021-10-25
i686 Core bash-shcompat 5.1+008-2 POSIX Shell compatibility for GNU Bourne Again SHell 2021-10-25
x86_64 Core bash-shcompat 5.1+008-2 POSIX Shell compatibility for GNU Bourne Again SHell 2021-10-25
x86_64 Core dash A POSIX compliant shell that aims to be as small as possible 2021-10-25
i686 Extra docbook2x 0.8.8-1 A software package that converts DocBook documents into the traditional Unix man page format and the GNU Texinfo format. 2021-10-31
i686 Extra kristall 0.3-1 A visual cross-platform gemini browser. 2021-10-31
x86_64 Extra docbook2x 0.8.8-1 A software package that converts DocBook documents into the traditional Unix man page format and the GNU Texinfo format. 2021-10-31
x86_64 Core mpfr 4.1.0.p13-1 Multiple-precision floating-point library 2021-11-02
i686 Extra augeas 1.12.0-1 A configuration editing tool that parses config files and transforms them into a tree 2021-11-15
x86_64 Extra augeas 1.12.0-1 A configuration editing tool that parses config files and transforms them into a tree 2021-11-15
i686 Core hyperrc 0.28-4 A dependency based init system that works with the system provided init program 2021-11-19
i686 Core hyperrc-sysvcompat 0.28-4 SysV-style init compatibility for HyperRC 2021-11-19
x86_64 Core hyperrc 0.28-4 A dependency based init system that works with the system provided init program 2021-11-19
x86_64 Core hyperrc-sysvcompat 0.28-4 SysV-style init compatibility for HyperRC 2021-11-19
i686 Extra dmidecode 3.3-1 Desktop Management Interface table related utilities 2021-11-19
x86_64 Extra dmidecode 3.3-1 Desktop Management Interface table related utilities 2021-11-19
i686 Extra libdbi-docs 0.9.0-1 Developer documentation for libdbi 2021-11-26
i686 Extra libdbi 0.9.0-1 Database independant abstraction layer for C 2021-11-26
i686 Extra irrlamb 1.0.1-1 3D game that probably involves a lot of physics and frustrating gameplay. 2021-12-04
i686 Extra discount 2.2.6-1 A Markdown implementation written in C 2021-12-04
x86_64 Core mksh-shcompat r.59.c-4 POSIX Shell compatibility for MirBSD Korn Shell 2021-12-04
x86_64 Core mksh-kshcompat r.59.c-4 Korn Shell compatibility for MirBSD Korn Shell 2021-12-04
x86_64 Extra discount 2.2.6-1 A Markdown implementation written in C 2021-12-04
i686 Extra lftp 4.8.4-1 Sophisticated command line based FTP client 2021-12-04
any Extra gcompris-data-words 20211201-1 Datafiles for the free educational software suite GCompris (words) 2021-12-07
any Extra gcompris-data-voices 20211201-1 Datafiles for the free educational software suite GCompris (voices) 2021-12-07
any Extra gcompris-data-backgroundmusic 20211201-1 Datafiles for the free educational software suite GCompris (background music) 2021-12-07
i686 Extra gcompris-qt 1.1-1 Free educational software suite comprising of numerous activities 2021-12-07
x86_64 Extra gcompris-qt 1.1-1 Free educational software suite comprising of numerous activities 2021-12-07
i686 Extra bzflag 2.4.22-1 Multiplayer 3D tank battle game 2021-12-08
i686 Extra innoextract 1.8-1 A tool to extract installers created by Inno Setup 2021-12-08
x86_64 Extra bzflag 2.4.22-1 Multiplayer 3D tank battle game 2021-12-08

2103 matching packages found. Page 3 of 22.

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