2103 matching packages found. Page 2 of 22.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra python-importlib-metadata 4.0.1-1 Read metadata from Python packages 2022-09-20
i686 Core libedit 20191231_3.1-2 Command line editor library providing generic line editing, history, and tokenization functions 2020-11-13
any Extra tesseract-data-spa 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (spa) 2024-01-15
x86_64 Core dash A POSIX compliant shell that aims to be as small as possible 2021-10-25
any Extra python-babel 2.8.0-0 A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications 2022-09-20
i686 Extra check-docs 0.15.2-1 An unit testing framework for C (documentation) 2022-08-24
i686 Core iw 5.8-1 nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices 2020-09-24
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-jsmath 1.0.1-0 Sphinx extension which renders display math in HTML via JavaScript 2024-01-14
any Extra python-pysnmp 4.4.12-1 Free and libre implementation of v1/v2c/v3 SNMP engine 2024-01-14
any Extra tesseract-data-oci 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (oci) 2024-01-15
i686 Core libpipeline 1.5.3-1 a C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses in a flexible and convenient way 2020-09-24
any Extra python-parsedatetime 2.6-1 Parse human-readable date/time strings 2022-09-20
any Extra tesseract-data-tgk 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (tgk) 2024-01-15
any Extra python-toml 0.10.1-1 A Python library for parsing and creating TOML 2024-01-14
any Extra qt-examples 5.15.2-1 Examples and demos from qt documentation 2024-01-14
i686 Extra bc 1.07.1-2 An arbitrary precision calculator language 2022-01-22
any Extra python-zope-deprecation 4.4.0-1 Zope Deprecation Infrastructure for Python 2024-01-14
x86_64 Extra check-docs 0.15.2-1 An unit testing framework for C (documentation) 2022-08-24
any Extra tesseract-data-pol 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (pol) 2024-01-15
any Extra uthash 2.1.0-1 C preprocessor implementations of a hash table and a linked list 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra 6tunnel 0.13-2 Tunnels IPv6 connections for IPv4-only applications 2024-03-11
i686 Core bzip2 1.0.8-2 A high-quality data compression program 2021-07-22
i686 Core libevent 2.1.12-1 An event notification library 2020-09-03
i686 Core lzo 2.10-2 Portable lossless data compression library 2020-11-16
any Extra qt-doc 5.15.2-1 A cross-platform application and UI framework (Documentation) 2024-01-14
x86_64 Extra bc 1.07.1-2 An arbitrary precision calculator language 2022-01-22
any Extra tesseract-data-lav 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (lav) 2024-01-15
any Extra python-docutils 0.16-2 Set of tools for processing plaintext docs into formats such as HTML or XML 2022-09-20
any Extra perl-par-dist 0.51-1 Create and manipulate PAR distributions 2022-09-20
any Extra perl-www-robotrules 6.02-3 Database of robots.txt-derived permissions 2022-09-20
x86_64 Core libevent 2.1.12-1 An event notification library 2020-09-03
x86_64 Core libidn2 2.3.0-2 Free software implementation of IDNA2008, Punycode and TR46 2024-03-05
x86_64 Core findutils 4.7.0-2 GNU utilities to locate files 2021-07-22
i686 Core libnl 3.4.0-1 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets 2020-08-31
any Extra rapidjson 1.1.0-1 Fast JSON parser/generator for C++ with both SAX/DOM style API 2024-01-14
any Extra python-zipp 2.2.0-1 Pathlib-compatible object wrapper for zip files 2024-01-14
any Extra python-mutagen 1.45.1-1 An audio metadata tag reader and writer (python library) 2022-09-20
i686 Extra help2man 1.48.1-1 Conversion tool to create man files 2022-08-24
x86_64 Extra help2man 1.48.1-1 Conversion tool to create man files 2022-08-24
any Extra python-wheel 0.37.0-3 A built-package format for Python 2024-01-14
x86_64 Core lzo 2.10-2 Portable lossless data compression library 2020-11-16
x86_64 Core libpipeline 1.5.3-1 a C library for manipulating pipelines of subprocesses in a flexible and convenient way 2020-09-24
any Extra pybind11 2.6.2-1 A lightweight header-only library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa 2022-09-20
any Extra python-pyrfc3339 1.1-1 Parses and generates RFC 3339-compliant timestamps using Python datetime.datetime objects. 2024-01-14
x86_64 Core iw 5.8-1 nl80211 based CLI configuration utility for wireless devices 2020-09-24
i686 Core flex 2.6.4-3 A tool for generating text-scanning programs 2021-07-22
any Extra perl-path-class 0.37-1 Cross-platform path specification manipulation 2022-09-20
x86_64 Core libnl 3.4.0-1 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets 2020-08-31
any Core quilt 0.66-2 Manage a series of patches by keeping track of the changes each patch makes 2024-01-14
x86_64 Extra gtksourceview2 2.10.5-1 A text widget that extends the standard GTK+ 2.x 2021-12-10
any Core wireless-regdb 2020.04.29-1 Central Regulatory Domain Database 2024-01-14
any Core sh-unknown-elf-newlib 3.3.0-1 A C standard library implementation intended for use on embedded systems (SH) 2024-01-14
i686 Core libmicrohttpd 0.9.71-1 A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application 2020-09-16
x86_64 Core libmicrohttpd 0.9.71-1 A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application 2020-09-16
i686 Extra meandmyshadow 0.5a-1 Free and libre puzzle / platform game in which you try to reach the exit by solving tasks 2023-11-23
any Extra perl-class-inspector 1.36-1 Get information about a class and its structure 2022-09-19
any Core pcnet-cs-firmware 3.2.8-10 Firmware files for NE2000 compatible PCMCIA adapter 2024-01-14
any Extra python-pathspec 0.9.0-1 Utility library for gitignore style pattern matching of file paths 2022-09-20
i686 Core elfutils 0.180-2 Utilities to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
i686 Core libelf 0.180-2 Libraries to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core elfutils 0.180-2 Utilities to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
x86_64 Core libelf 0.180-2 Libraries to handle ELF object files and DWARF debugging information 2021-07-22
any Core tzdata 2020a-1 Sources for time zone and daylight saving time data 2024-01-14
any Extra perl-mail-dkim 1.20200907-1 Signs/verifies Internet mail with DKIM/DomainKey signatures 2022-09-19
i686 Core argon2 20171227-4 A password-hashing function (reference C implementation) 2020-09-17
x86_64 Core argon2 20171227-4 A password-hashing function (reference C implementation) 2020-09-17
any Extra tesseract-data-slk 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (slk) 2024-01-15
any Extra tesseract-data-mkd 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (mkd) 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-extutils-config 0.008-1 ExtUtils::Config - A wrapper for perl's configuration 2022-09-19
any Extra tesseract-data-urd 4.1.0-1 Tesseract OCR data (urd) 2024-01-15
i686 Core linux-atm 2.5.2-6 Drivers and tools to support ATM networking 2021-07-21
x86_64 Core linux-atm 2.5.2-6 Drivers and tools to support ATM networking 2021-07-21
any Extra perl-file-basedir 0.08-1 Use the Freedesktop.org base directory specification 2022-09-19
i686 Core libusb 1.0.23-3 Library that provides generic access to USB devices 2021-07-23
x86_64 Core libusb 1.0.23-3 Library that provides generic access to USB devices 2021-07-23
i686 Extra fstrm 0.6.0-1 A C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol 2020-11-12
any Extra mkisolinux 2013.05-1 Advanced, modular isolinux bootcd image creation utility (Hyperbola rebranded) 2022-09-19
i686 Core sqlite 3.32.3-2 A C library that implements an SQL database engine 2024-01-15
i686 Core sqlite-analyzer 3.32.3-2 An analysis program for sqlite3 database files 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra fstrm 0.6.0-1 A C implementation of the Frame Streams data transport protocol 2020-11-12
i686 Core pkcs11-helper 1.26-1 A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11 providers for end-user applications using a simple API and optional OpenSSL engine 2024-01-15
i686 Core procinfo-ng 2.0.304-7 Displays useful information from /proc 2024-01-15
any Extra python-markdown 3.3.3-1 Python implementation of John Gruber's Markdown. 2022-09-20
i686 Core pcre 8.44-3 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions 2024-01-15
i686 Core pcre2 10.34-3 A library that implements Perl 5-style regular expressions. 2nd version 2024-01-15
i686 Core net-tools 1.60+git20181103.0eebece-1 Configuration tools for GNU/Linux networking 2024-01-15
any Extra dex 0.9.0-1 Program to generate and execute DesktopEntry files of type Application 2021-08-06
any Extra perl-net-ip 1.26-1 Perl Module: Easy manipulation of IPv4 and IPv6 addresses 2022-09-20
any Extra python-exifread 2.3.2-1 Python library to extract EXIF data from tiff and jpeg files 2022-09-20
i686 Core openvpn 2.5.0-2 An easy-to-use, robust and highly configurable VPN (Virtual Private Network) 2024-01-15
i686 Core patch 2.7.6-2 A utility to apply patch files to original sources 2024-01-15
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-mr 7.0.4-1 Marathi language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-kmr-latn 7.0.4-1 Kurdish language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
i686 Core mlocate 0.26-7 Merging locate/updatedb implementation 2024-01-15
i686 Core wireless_tools 30.pre9-3 Tools allowing to manipulate the Wireless Extensions 2024-01-15
any Extra perl-exception-class 1.44-1 A module that allows you to declare real exception classes in Perl 2022-09-19
i686 Core x86_64-unknown-hyperbolabsd-binutils 2.34-6 A set of programs to assemble and manipulate binary and object files for HyperbolaBSD x86_64 target 2024-01-15
i686 Core zlib 1:1.2.11-4 Compression library implementing the deflate compression method found in gzip and PKZIP 2024-01-15
x86_64 Core groff-headless 1.22.4-2 GNU troff text-formatting system 2021-07-22
any Extra perl-mail-spf 2.9.0-1 Perl module that provides SPF support 2022-09-19

2103 matching packages found. Page 2 of 22.

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