Milky Way v0.4.3 install medium release

We hereby announce a new revision of Hyperbola live image for Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre.

Much has changed now for the new release v0.4.3 as we have fixed and updated many packages within our repositories [core] and [extra] and added more options for running Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre on the desktop: We have therefore added fluxbox-extra and slim-theme-hyperbola as packages. With this version we end also our cycle for GNU/Linux-libre and focus on HyperbolaBSD. We have removed support for zstd, protobuf and redis, more information about that here. Also we do not support PHP any longer (more information to read here). This makes Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre acting on purpose for freedom, stability and security. So we are happy to hand over the system towards the community and invite everybody interested to enhance it.

Download information can be found here.