9 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
x86_64 Extra zsh-shcompat 5.8-2 POSIX Shell compatibility for Zshell 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra zsh-doc 5.8-2 Info, HTML and PDF format of the ZSH documentation 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra zsh 5.8-2 A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra zsh-kshcompat 5.8-2 Korn Shell compatibility for Zshell 2024-01-15
i686 Extra zsh-kshcompat 5.8-2 Korn Shell compatibility for Zshell 2024-01-15
i686 Extra zsh 5.8-2 A very advanced and programmable command interpreter (shell) for UNIX 2024-01-15
i686 Extra zsh-shcompat 5.8-2 POSIX Shell compatibility for Zshell 2024-01-15
i686 Extra zsh-doc 5.8-2 Info, HTML and PDF format of the ZSH documentation 2024-01-15
any Extra grml-zsh-config 0.19.1-1 grml's zsh setup 2022-02-10

9 matching packages found.

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