180 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
i686 Core libnl 3.4.0-1 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets 2020-08-31
x86_64 Core libnl 3.4.0-1 Library for applications dealing with netlink sockets 2020-08-31
i686 Core libmicrohttpd 0.9.71-1 A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application 2020-09-16
x86_64 Core libmicrohttpd 0.9.71-1 A small C library that is supposed to make it easy to run an HTTP server as part of another application 2020-09-16
i686 Extra expect 5.45.4-2 A tool for automating interactive applications 2020-11-19
x86_64 Extra expect 5.45.4-2 A tool for automating interactive applications 2020-11-19
i686 Extra gnu-efi 3.0.9-1 Develop EFI applications using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment 2021-04-22
x86_64 Extra gnu-efi 3.0.9-1 Develop EFI applications using the GNU toolchain and the EFI development environment 2021-04-22
i686 Extra gnu-netcat 0.7.1-1 GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application 2021-06-24
x86_64 Extra gnu-netcat 0.7.1-1 GNU rewrite of netcat, the network piping application 2021-06-24
i686 Extra kcrash 5.78.0-1 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps 2021-07-25
any Extra dex 0.9.0-1 Program to generate and execute DesktopEntry files of type Application 2021-08-06
i686 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
x86_64 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
i686 Core libressl 3.2.6-1 A version of the TLS/crypto stack forked from OpenSSL, with goals of modernizing the codebase, improving security, and applying best practice development processes 2021-08-28
x86_64 Core libressl 3.2.6-1 A version of the TLS/crypto stack forked from OpenSSL, with goals of modernizing the codebase, improving security, and applying best practice development processes 2021-08-28
i686 Core efibootmgr 17-3 User-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager 2021-09-06
x86_64 Core efibootmgr 17-3 User-space application to modify the EFI Boot Manager 2021-09-06
i686 Extra dvdstyler 3.1.2-1 Free and libre authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs 2022-09-10
x86_64 Extra dvdstyler 3.1.2-1 Free and libre authoring application for the creation of professional-looking DVDs 2022-09-10
i686 Extra fcgiwrap 1.1.0-5 A simple, free and libre server for running CGI applications over FastCGI 2022-09-16
x86_64 Extra fcgiwrap 1.1.0-5 A simple, free and libre server for running CGI applications over FastCGI 2022-09-16
i686 Extra megatools 1.10.3-1 Command line client application for Mega.nz 2022-09-17
i686 Extra librsync 2.3.1-1 Free and libre library for calculating and applying network deltas 2022-09-17
i686 Extra libtommath 1.2.0-2 Highly optimized and portable routines for integer based number theoretic applications 2022-09-17
i686 Extra libusb-compat 0.1.7-1 A compatibility layer allowing applications written for libusb-0.1 to work with libusb-1.0 2022-09-17
i686 Extra lua51 5.1.5-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-17
i686 Extra lsdvd 0.17-1 Console application that displays the content of a DVD 2022-09-17
i686 Extra libvisual 0.4.0-7 Abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins 2022-09-17
i686 Extra lua52 5.2.4-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-17
i686 Extra mocicon 0.1.4-1 GTK2+ panel applet that lets you control MOC (Music On Console) 2022-09-17
i686 Extra lua 5.3.5-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-17
x86_64 Extra kcrash 5.78.0-1 Support for application crash analysis and bug report from apps 2022-09-17
any Extra mailcap 2.1.53-1 Helper application and MIME type associations for file types 2022-09-19
i686 Extra net-snmp 5.9-1 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 2022-09-19
i686 Extra mypaint 2.0.1-3 Fast and easy painting application for digital painters, with brush dynamics 2022-09-19
i686 Extra nitrokey-app 1.4.2-1 Nitrokey management application 2022-09-19
i686 Extra nitroshare 0.3.4-1 Free and libre LAN file sender application, designed to make transferring files from one device to another extremely simple 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra lua52 5.2.4-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra poppler-qt 20.09.0-4 Poppler Qt bindings 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra librsync 2.3.1-1 Free and libre library for calculating and applying network deltas 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra plib 1.8.5-1 Set of libraries to write games and other realtime interactive applications 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra libusb-compat 0.1.7-1 A compatibility layer allowing applications written for libusb-0.1 to work with libusb-1.0 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra net-snmp 5.9-1 A suite of applications used to implement SNMP v1, SNMP v2c and SNMP v3 using both IPv4 and IPv6 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra mypaint 2.0.1-3 Fast and easy painting application for digital painters, with brush dynamics 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra lsdvd 0.17-1 Console application that displays the content of a DVD 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra mocicon 0.1.4-1 GTK2+ panel applet that lets you control MOC (Music On Console) 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra nitrokey-app 1.4.2-1 Nitrokey management application 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra python-zbar 0.23.90-2 Application and library for reading bar codes from various sources 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra libvisual 0.4.0-7 Abstraction library that comes between applications and audio visualisation plugins 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra poppler 20.09.0-4 PDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra poppler-glib 20.09.0-4 Poppler glib bindings 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra qt-webchannel 5.15.2-1 Provides access to QObject or QML objects from HTML clients for seamless integration of Qt applications with HTML/JavaScript clients 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra libtommath 1.2.0-2 Highly optimized and portable routines for integer based number theoretic applications 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra megatools 1.10.3-1 Command line client application for Mega.nz 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra lua 5.3.5-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra nitroshare 0.3.4-1 Free and libre LAN file sender application, designed to make transferring files from one device to another extremely simple 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra lua51 5.1.5-1 Powerful lightweight programming language designed for extending applications 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra qt-script 5.15.2-2 Classes for making Qt applications scriptable. Provided for Qt 4.x compatibility 2022-09-19
any Extra python-babel 2.8.0-0 A collection of tools for internationalizing Python applications 2022-09-20
any Extra perl-perl4-corelibs 0.004-1 Libraries historically supplied with Perl 4 2022-09-20
any Extra poppler-data 0.4.10-1 Encoding data for the poppler PDF rendering library 2022-09-20
any Extra publicsuffix 20200627.1701-2 Cross-supplier public domain suffix database 2022-09-20
any Extra python-idna 2.10-1 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 2022-09-20
any Extra python-beaker 1.10.0-0 Caching and sessions WSGI middleware for use with web applications and stand-alone Python scripts and applications 2022-09-20
i686 Extra poppler-glib 20.09.0-4 Poppler glib bindings 2022-09-20
i686 Extra poppler 20.09.0-4 PDF rendering library based on xpdf 3.0 2022-09-20
i686 Extra plib 1.8.5-1 Set of libraries to write games and other realtime interactive applications 2022-09-20
i686 Extra poppler-qt 20.09.0-4 Poppler Qt bindings 2022-09-20
x86_64 Core patch 2.7.6-2 A utility to apply patch files to original sources 2022-09-20
x86_64 Core pkcs11-helper 1.26-1 A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11 providers for end-user applications using a simple API and optional OpenSSL engine 2022-09-20
x86_64 Core wpa_supplicant 2:2.9-3 A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks 2022-09-20
i686 Extra pdfmixtool 0.6-1 Free and libre application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files 2022-10-04
x86_64 Extra pdfmixtool 0.6-1 Free and libre application to split, merge, rotate and mix PDF files 2022-10-04
i686 Extra dropbear-scp 2022.83-1 Lightweight application for copying files over SSH 2023-04-16
x86_64 Extra dropbear-scp 2022.83-1 Lightweight application for copying files over SSH 2023-04-16
i686 Extra aqbanking 6.5.3-1 A library for online banking and financial applications 2023-08-10
x86_64 Extra aqbanking 6.5.3-1 A library for online banking and financial applications 2023-08-10
any Extra acidrip 0.14-1 A Gtk2::Perl application for ripping and encoding DVD's 2023-10-05
i686 Extra leptonica 1.79.0-2 Software that is broadly useful for image processing and image analysis applications 2023-10-05
x86_64 Extra leptonica 1.79.0-2 Software that is broadly useful for image processing and image analysis applications 2023-10-05
i686 Extra gnome-themes-extra 3.28-1 Extra Themes for GTK+ based Applications 2023-10-22
x86_64 Extra gnome-themes-extra 3.28-1 Extra Themes for GTK+ based Applications 2023-10-22
i686 Extra glfw 3.3.2-2 A portable, free and libre framework for graphical application development 2023-11-23
x86_64 Extra glfw 3.3.2-2 A portable, free and libre framework for graphical application development 2023-11-23
x86_64 Extra qt-tools 5.15.2-5 A cross-platform application and UI framework (Development Tools, QtHelp) 2023-11-23
any Extra qt-translations 5.15.2-1 A cross-platform application and UI framework (Translations) 2024-01-14
any Extra qt-doc 5.15.2-1 A cross-platform application and UI framework (Documentation) 2024-01-14
any Extra python-sphinxcontrib-applehelp 1.0.2-0 Sphinx extension which outputs Apple help books 2024-01-14
i686 Core pkcs11-helper 1.26-1 A library that simplifies the interaction with PKCS11 providers for end-user applications using a simple API and optional OpenSSL engine 2024-01-15
i686 Core patch 2.7.6-2 A utility to apply patch files to original sources 2024-01-15
i686 Core wpa_supplicant 2:2.9-3 A utility providing key negotiation for WPA wireless networks 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-beaker 1.10.0-0 Caching and sessions WSGI middleware for use with web applications and stand-alone Tauthon scripts and applications 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-babel 2.8.0-0 A collection of tools for internationalizing Tauthon applications 2024-01-15
any Extra tbsm 0.7-1 A pure bash session or application launcher, inspired by cdm, tdm and krunner 2024-01-15
any Extra soundconverter 4.0.1-1 A simple sound converter application 2024-01-15
any Extra tauthon-idna 2.10-1 Internationalized Domain Names in Applications (IDNA) 2024-01-15
i686 Extra startup-notification 0.12-7 Monitor and display application startup 2024-01-15
i686 Extra rofi 1.7.3-1 A window switcher, application launcher and dmenu replacement 2024-01-15
i686 Extra simgear 2020.3.6-1 A set of free software libraries designed to be used as building blocks for quickly assembling 3d simulations, games, and visualization applications. 2024-01-15

180 matching packages found. Page 1 of 2.

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