6 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Extra icedove-uxp-l10n-bn-bd 52.9.20210602-1 Bengali (Bangladesh) language pack for Icedove-UXP. 2021-07-03
any Extra iceweasel-uxp-l10n-bn-bd 52.9.20210602-1 Bengali (Bangladesh) language pack for Iceweasel-UXP. 2021-07-03
i686 Extra libglade 2.6.4-1 Allows you to load glade interface files in a program at runtime 2022-09-16
i686 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
x86_64 Extra glade 3.38.2-1 User Interface Builder for GTK+ applications 2021-08-12
x86_64 Extra libglade 2.6.4-1 Allows you to load glade interface files in a program at runtime 2022-09-17

6 matching packages found.

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