33 matching packages found.

Arch Repo Name Version Description Last Updated Flag Date
any Core wireless-regdb 2020.04.29-1 Central Regulatory Domain Database 2024-01-14
any Extra libreoffice-l10n-gd 7.0.4-1 Gaelic (Scottish) language pack for LibreOffice 2022-09-17
any Extra iceweasel-uxp-l10n-gd 52.9.20210602-1 Gaelic (Scotland) language pack for Iceweasel-UXP. 2022-09-17
any Extra hunspell-en-GB Spell checking support for English (United Kingdom) 2024-04-12
any Extra icedove-uxp-l10n-gd 52.9.20210602-1 Gaelic (Scotland) language pack for Icedove-UXP. 2021-07-03
i686 Core gdbm 1.18.1-3 GNU database library 2021-07-22
i686 Extra gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.2-2 An image loading library 2021-01-25
i686 Extra gd 2.3.0-3 Library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers 2023-10-05
i686 Extra qiv 2.3.2-1 Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and fast GDK/Imlib image viewer 2024-01-15
i686 Extra ulogd 2.0.7-1 Userspace Packet Logging for netfilter 2024-01-15
i686 Extra gdk-pixbuf-xlib 2.40.2-1 Deprecated Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf 2021-06-01
i686 Extra tdb 1.4.3-1 Trivial Database similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits 2024-01-15
i686 Extra rep-gtk Binding of the GTK and GDK libraries for the librep Lisp environment 2024-01-15
i686 Extra gdl 3.34.0-2 Docking Library 2023-04-16
i686 Extra sysklogd 2.5.2-1 Free and libre BSD syslogd 2024-04-12
i686 Extra gdb 10.1-1 The GNU Debugger 2021-10-09
i686 Extra gdb-common 10.1-1 The GNU Debugger 2021-10-09
i686 Extra aspell-i18n-dict-gd Scottish Gaelic dictionary for Aspell 2022-02-28
i686 Extra 7kaa 2.15.6-1 Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries is a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game 2023-10-05
x86_64 Core gdbm 1.18.1-3 GNU database library 2021-07-22
x86_64 Extra gdk-pixbuf2 2.42.2-2 An image loading library 2021-01-25
x86_64 Extra gd 2.3.0-3 Library for the dynamic creation of images by programmers 2023-10-05
x86_64 Extra gdk-pixbuf-xlib 2.40.2-1 Deprecated Xlib integration for GdkPixbuf 2021-06-01
x86_64 Extra 7kaa 2.15.6-1 Seven Kingdoms: Ancient Adversaries is a real-time strategy (RTS) computer game 2023-10-05
x86_64 Extra gdl 3.34.0-2 Docking Library 2023-04-16
x86_64 Extra gdb 10.1-1 The GNU Debugger 2021-10-09
x86_64 Extra gdb-common 10.1-1 The GNU Debugger 2021-10-09
x86_64 Extra ulogd 2.0.7-1 Userspace Packet Logging for netfilter 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra sysklogd 2.5.2-1 Free and libre BSD syslogd 2024-04-12
x86_64 Extra tdb 1.4.3-1 Trivial Database similar to GDBM but allows simultaneous commits 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra qiv 2.3.2-1 Quick Image Viewer (qiv) is a very small and fast GDK/Imlib image viewer 2022-09-19
x86_64 Extra rep-gtk Binding of the GTK and GDK libraries for the librep Lisp environment 2024-01-15
x86_64 Extra aspell-i18n-dict-gd Scottish Gaelic dictionary for Aspell 2022-02-28

33 matching packages found.

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